Wages & Labour Benchmarking
We run a Wages & Labour Benchmarking Survey, helping members to set salaries, conduct HR business planning, and recruit and retain the best talent.
Why take part?
To help you with your HR planning
Participating businesses will be given access an interactive online dashboard to benchmark their data against similar businesses and national averages outside of our industry.
Use the benchmarks to set competitive salaries and staff benefits packages; and put plans in place for any areas where you may fall behind.
For the benefit of the industry
With a greater understanding of the situation for member businesses, we can help to promote careers and plan activity to help our members to attract and retain the best talent

Who can take part?
If you're a business owner or senior leader at a horticultural retailer or grower business, HTA member or not, and have oversight of the topics listed below you can take part! (Only one person per business should take part so there's no double-counting).
What does the benchmarking survey cover?
- Wages by role
- Staff retention (staff benefits, statutory contributions)
- Numbers employed (full-time, part-time etc.)
- Staff change (turnover rate, absenteeism, expected change)
- Unfilled vacancies
- Recruitment
- Demographics of the workforce
- Seasonal workers

How do I take part?
The 'primary contact' we have listed at retailer and grower HTA member businesses will automatically receive an email invitation when a survey launches.
We're aiming to run our Wages & Labour benchmarking study annually. 2021's study was in field between August and October 2021; so keep an eye out for when the 2022 study launches later this year.