Tree & Hedging Group
The members of this group are UK growers and suppliers of field and container-grown tree and hedging plants. Our group plays a key role in the growing and distribution of trees for large-scale forestry projects, landscaping schemes and for sale in garden centres across the UK. The group has representatives from over 25 businesses from the North of Scotland to the South of England.

Our group holds an annual conference and evening meal where members share their news and views on opportunities and challenges facing the sector. The group discusses sector needs and what the HTA is doing, and can look to do, to support Tree and Hedging Group members. Our annual conference is usually followed by a tour around a member’s nursery where informal conversations around experiences are shared and industry insights are discussed.

The conference is an excellent way to network with individuals that share similar interests and to gain awareness of what other businesses are implementing to address sector issues. Our steering group meet at regular intervals throughout the year, with many members reporting updates from other memberships such as EFNA and the Confor Nursery Producers Group. These conversations inform the HTA’s lobbying activity and continue to be a main communication channel for the HTA and wider tree and hedging growers. Tree and Hedging Group members also receive an annual newsletter that covers a range of topics relating to the growing and planting of trees in the UK.

“Faced with more change good and bad, faced with more red tape than ever before we have also the signs of a bright future.”
Steven Green, Chair of the Tree and Hedging Group, Annual Conference 2021

Chair: Ed Holmes, J & A Growers Ltd
Vice-chair: Ray Jenkins, RJ Trees And Hedging
Steering Group members:
- Brian Fraser
- Charles Beaumont
- Helen Richardson
- Jamie Dewhurst
- John Marsden
- Steven Green
- Bernhard's (Rugby) Nurseries Ltd
- British Hardwood Tree Nursery Ltd
- Castle Howard Estate Ltd
- Chew Valley Trees Ltd
- Christies (Fochabers) Ltd
- David Austin Roses Ltd
- D. W. Frost (Wholesale Nurseries) Ltd
- Elite Nurseries Ltd
- Elveden Farms Ltd
- E. W. Burrow Nursery Ltd
- Forestart Ltd
- Heathwood Nurseries Ltd
- Hillier Nurseries Ltd
- Hopes Grove Nurseries Ltd
- J. and A. Growers Ltd
- James Coles and Sons Nurseries Ltd
- J. A. Jones and Sons Ltd
- Johnsons of Whixley Ltd
- J. W. Crowder and Sons Ltd
- Maelor Forest Nurseries Ltd
- Oakover Nurseries Ltd
- Premier Plant Producers
- Provender Nurseries Ltd
- R. J. Trees and Hedging Ltd
- R. V. Roger Ltd
- Thorpe Trees Ltd
- Trees Please Ltd
- Wee Tree Wholesale Nurseries
- Wyevale Nurseries Ltd