Become a JIMA Member
All the major UK producers of John Innes Loam-based Composts are members of the John Innes Manufacturers Association (JIMA). This page summarises the benefits of JIMA Membership.
Technical Manual
JIMA provides Members with a detailed Technical Manual on the formulation and production of John Innes Loam-based Composts written by the late Chris Bunt when he was Consultant to JIMA.
Quality Control Procedures
JIMA provides Members with a detailed Quality Control Manual on the testing of J.I. Composts, also written by the late Chris Bunt.
Product Specifications
JIMA specifies the range of physical properties and nutrient levels required for each grade of J.I. Compost.
Seal of Approval®
JIMA Members who produce John Innes Composts in accordance with the above procedures and specifications are listed as Registered Producers authorised to use the JIMA Seal of Approval® on their packaging and literature.
Technical Representation
JIMA has a seat on the British Standards Committees responsible for the drafting of National and International Standards for Growing Media and Soil Conditioners, and also for the associated work on volume out-turn testing and eco-labelling. Members are kept informed and consulted on relevant details.
Technical Data Sheets
JIMA publishes a series of Technical Data Sheets and Information Sheets which are mailed regularly to all Journalists, Retailers, Horticultural Societies etc. to promote J.I. Composts carrying the Seal of Approval®.
Consumer Leaflets
JIMA produces and distributes consumer leaflets on the Benefits of John Innes Loam-based Composts - these are free to JIMA Members and their customers.
Market Intelligence Service
JIMA provides Members with a comprehensive press clippings service plus other commercial and technical information relevant to the UK peat and compost market.
Members Meetings
JIMA Members meet once a year to review current technical developments, trade, and consumer enquiries etc., and to plan future marketing and public relations campaigns.