Contact the GMA
You can contact us in the following ways depending on your enquiry. Please use the following options to help us respond to you as quickly as possible.
Media enquiries
If you’re a journalist or other member of the media, please email media.office@hta.org.uk
Joining the GMA
If you are a business that’s interested in joining the Growing Media Association (GMA), please click here. This will take you to the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) membership pages, through whom you can enquire about joining the GMA.
If you have a complaint about a growing media product, please address these with the manufacturer directly. Unfortunately, we cannot resolve complaints about products or take these up with manufacturers on your behalf.
If you have a complaint about the association, please follow our complaints procedure so we can deal with this as quickly as possible. As a sub-group of the HTA your complaint will be handled the HTA complaints process.
Other enquiries
If you have any other enquiry about the work of the GMA, please email gma@hta.org.uk