APL Apprenticeships
If you are looking to give your apprentice the best possible start in their landscape career, then take a look at the APL Apprenticeship.
Read through the info below and if interested contact Phil Tremayne at phil.tremayne@hta.org.uk

APL Apprenticeship.
For many years now The APL have worked with Myerscough College to deliver a high quality Landscaping apprenticeship programme.
It is a 2 year programme with 7 weeks block attendance at Myerscough College Preston Campus.
The programme is designed to meet the specialist needs of the Landscaping Industry. Each block or ‘bootcamp’ as we like to
call them see apprentices challenged in a wide range of skills with input industry experts like Mark Youde, Rupert Keys, Jamie Butterworth, Karl Harrison, Paul Willavoys and other leading industry professionals.
Apprentices work towards the Level 2 Landscape Operative Apprenticeship programme, and also are encouraged to participate in the World Skills UK Landscaping competitions.
Myerscough College apprentices have achieved several gold medals in the competition, including a recent gold with Cameron Barker, who also became the Lancashire Apprentice of the Year and the APL rising star winner for 2022.

So What Makes It Different?
A lot of people ask, "What makes The APL Apprenticeship different to any other"
The simple answer is practical training. The curriculum and modules are exactly the same as any other level 2 apprenticeship. But what The APL have done is increase the level of practical training away from the standard amount that an be delivered in a day release.
When cohorts attend the week long sessions, they get experienced landscape professionals delivering the sessions.
They are taken through the process of setting out, understanding drainage and falls, through to paving using all types of frequently used materials, driveways, walling, retaining walls, gabions, self binding gravels, gravelled grid systems, decking, fencing, water features, lighting, planting, plant partnerships and much, much more.
They are delivered in compliance with British Standards and APL Codes of Practice and importantly trained at industry pace.
The bootcamp sessions are from 8.30am until 5pm, with extra sessions on the evening for industry talks from people like ACO, Makita, Matt Spedding and Mark Gregory.
This is why the programme is different.

What’s an apprenticeship?
An Apprenticeship is recognised as the gold standard for work-based training for new and existing staff
members. It is a teaching, learning and assessment programme designed to develop an apprentice’s
knowledge and skills and is delivered both in the workplace and in off the job workshops at Myerscough
College, Preston over a 20-month period.
Who can apply?
• A staff member already employed who, if not already, will need to be contracted to work a minimum of 30 hours per week, throughout the year. This person must not have already completed a similar qualification at Level 2.
• A new recruit, employed into the business to begin their career in landscaping.
How long does it take?
The Apprenticeship programme will be delivered over a maximum 24-month timeframe but must be at least 20 months. We would recommend 20 months as an appropriate length of time for Apprentices to complete this course.
Why choose the APL Apprenticeship Programme?
Industry standard:
• The APL Apprenticeship Programme has been designed by the industry for the industry.
• It has joined together industry, education and training expertise.
• It will focus on industry quality standards and work pace.
• It will be delivered by tutors/trainers who are technically excellent and industry experienced.
• The service will be continually quality assured by the APL team.
Intensive delivery:
• It will incorporate 7 x 1 week long residential Bootcamps that will focus on particular technical
areas in an APL authorised delivery centre.
• On-line learning access will be provided to support apprentices learning.
• Employees’ productivity and confidence will be increased, delivering a more efficient and
effective employee, quickly.
• It will use the latest equipment to support delivery, working with APL partners to source this.
• Exposure to industry leaders/champions, inspiring apprentices to aim high.
• Employer engagement will be strong throughout from recruitment through to completion and recognition.
• E-portfolio access for both apprentice and employer to utilise. Apprentice can upload work
evidence against the learning programme and the employer can see progression of their employee whenever they need.
• Apprentice, employer and Tutor will meet every 12 weeks to discuss progression and support planning.
• The Bootcamps will be residential at Myerscough College with the provision of accommodation and support staff on site.
Core Qualifications Delivered as part of the course.
The following qualifications will be required prior to taking the end point assessments:
• Emergency First Aid
• Pesticides: Level 2 Principals of the Safe Handling and Application or Pesticides OR Level 2 Award in the Safe Use of Pesticides
• Abrasive Wheels Training
Bootcamps will be delivered at Myerscough College:
Contracts of employment for a newly recruited apprentice (i.e not already a staff member) will need to be in place by the end of August 2022. Ideally a new employee should have worked in your business for
a month as a minimum before the first block begins.
The below dates are for new apprentices for the first year.
It is expected that the apprentices will arrive on the Sunday prior to the course commencing at 08:30hrs on the Monday morning
Block Week 1 Monday 26th September 2022
Block Week 2 Monday 25th October 2022
Block Week 3 Monday 20th February 2023
Block Week 4 Monday 17th April 2023
Block Week 5 Monday 18th September 2023
Block Week 6 Monday 23rd October 2023
Block Week 7 Monday 5th February 2024
Employer’s financial investment
The apprenticeship costs can be broken down as follows and will be dependent upon the age of the person you employ.
Employer Costs
Businesses will need to contribute the following amounts in support of delivery of this apprenticeship:
For Apprentices aged 16-18, the Employer Contribution is £2,500
For Apprentices aged 19+, the Employer Contribution is £2,750 which includes the mandatory 5% contribution for small employers
A Payment Plan can be discussed on a case-by-case basis. Please speak to our finance team once you receive the invoiced cost. (Normally around 6 weeks after starting)
These contributions also include the costs of all accommodation and all meals whilst on the block training weeks at Myerscough College.
As part of the initial sign-up process employers will be required to set up a Digital Apprenticeship Account in order for Myerscough College to access the core funding of course fees for the programme
via the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).
The additional employer contributions are to cover the additional costs associated with running the boot camps and also an age based contribution for Apprentices aged 19+ who receive significantly reduced funding from the ESFA.
Apprenticeship Levy
From April 2017 employers whose payroll exceeds £3 million per year will pay into an Apprenticeship levy. The funds in this account can be used to cover the costs of Apprenticeship training only and not
additional costs such as accommodation, external trainers etc. Therefore, the contributions above are still payable in addition to funds paid via the employers digital account which only funds part of the
training costs.
If you fall into this category, please contact Lee Price at Myerscough lprice@myerscough.ac.uk