APL Zoom Clusters
APL Zoom Clusters
During the Coronavirus crisis, traditional social pub style clusters had to cease under the legislative lockdown conditions.
So the community could continue and The APL could carry on delivering the vital messages through the crisis we moved to the Zoom platform.
These meetings have been excellent. They have provided us with the opportunity to be able reach out to members without their need to travel.
So we have decided that even now lockdowns are over and most restrictions have been lifted, APL Clusters will remain on Zoom.
Each month there will be a Zoom meeting open to all members and non members, landscapers, designers, gardeners and suppliers.
We will always try to provide a topic, but sometimes we may have a speaker or even just a general discussion.
Meetings are held monthly usually on the last Monday or Tuesday of each month. Email phil.tremayne@hta.org.uk for the link.
Next Date below.